Board Meeting Minutes

The Palm Springs Front Runners and Walkers board meets the second Wednesday of each month (check the Event calendar for details). This meeting is open to the public. To attend, please contact for details on how to join the ZOOM meeting.

Meeting minutes from past board meetings are posted here. 


June - Highlights

  • Beneficiaries were chosen for the Palm Springs Pride 5k Run & Walk: The LGBTQ+ Center of the Desert, The Marsha P. Johnson LGBTQ+ Youth Drop-In Center, College of the Desert LGBTQ+ Scholarships and Safe Schools Desert Cities. Decisions about the exact amounts (or percentages) will be determined at a later point, but there was general consensus at this meeting that the Center receive at least half of the funds raised.

  • Undesignated funds will be used for gifts to Brothers of the Desert and Lesbians of Palm Springs and the CV.

  • Palm Springs Pride 5k Race and Run Coordinators Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigan along with Kevin Hyatt reported on their preparations for the upcoming event. Corporate and individual sponsorships are being solicited.
  • Entry fees for the Palm Springs Pride 5k Run & Walk are being kept at the same amount ($40.00) as in 2022 and 2023.
    + Publicity is being secured in local publications and with local radio stations and club member Bernie Tan is working on social media outlets to promote the race.
    + Webmaster Eric Akin is developing the website presence.
    + Club Member Jerry Hernandez is taking the lead on preparations for our club’s participation in the Pride Parade which occurs the day after the Palm Springs Pride 5k Run and Walk.
  • The Senior Health Fitness event went well. Between 15 and 20 persons from Mizell Senior Center walked with an equal number from the club on a predetermined route of gentle length.
  • Board members urge all club members to stay hydrated, especially during this high temperature season.
  • Our club currently has 385 members.
  • There were 92 club members and guests at a recent mixer at Quadz. Social Coordinator DeLon Gobeli continues to receive feedback from members about what goes well and about how to improve our mixers.
  • Member-at-large Brian Eggert was thanked for his continuing efforts to integrate our club’s presence with other local organizations and was urged to share anything he might learn from meeting with them. + Brian reminded board members that we need to continue to assist visitors and new members by announcing the variety of routes and distances. It is also important to encourage club members to offer to accompany new persons on the routes.

May - Highlights

  • Our club will be working with members of the Mizell Senior Center on A Senior Health Fitness Day on May 29.

  • Board members are working on a short list of beneficiaries for the 2024 5K Pride Run & Walk. 
  • As of the board meeting date, our club has 378 members. 
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli continues to arrange and confirm social mixers for coming months. See calendar of events for details.
  • Running Director Ed Wilson is coordinating the running calendar and race reports.
  • A request for in-kind services from the City of Palm Springs for policing and public works related to the Pride Run is being processed. 

April - Highlights

  • Annual board elections by the general membership were held on the third Saturday of March. Re-elected to two-year terms by acclamation were President Mark De Angelis, Treasurer Bill Gould, and Social Director DeLon Gobeli. Also elected to two-year Member-at-large terms by acclamation were Scott Donnelly and Kevin Hyatt.
  • Board members ranked and reviewed applications submitted for the 2024 5K Pride Run beneficiaries. It was decided that the highest ranking organizations would be considered for major funding. Other applicants may receive Front Runner gifts from non-race funds and/or be considered as race beneficiaries at another time. Additional steps in the selection process will be taken at the May board meeting.
  • Membership Director Bill Coughlin announced that club membership stands at 370.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli announced that the breakfast social on Saturday, March 30 at the Mizell Dining Room was well attended. Evening social events at area bars also continue to be popular.
  • Running Director Ed Wilson has begun sending race results by email to the membership.
  • Co-Directors Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigan and Member-at-large Kevin Hyatt are working on arrangements for the 2024 5K Pride Race.

March - Highlights

  • Ed Wilson has been added to the board by appointment as Running Coordinator. 
  • Michael Ambrose and Neill Fishman were thanked for their service as they go off the board this month. 
  • Applications are being submitted to our club by organizations who wish to be considered as beneficiaries of the funds raised by 2024 Pride 5K Run and Walk.
  • Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigan were appointed as 2024 Co-Directors and authorized to represent our club in negotiations regarding contracts and permits required to produce the 2024 Palm Springs Pride 5K Run and Walk to be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024. 
  • The 2024 Pride 5K Logo has been developed.  
  • Our President and Vice President will bring our club’s presence and pamphlets to the Palm Desert “Glow in the Park” at Living Desert Zoo/Gardens on Glow With Pride day, March 21.
  • Our club has 355 members. Membership Director Bill Coughlin plans to encourage renewal for the 78 persons who have lapsed in membership since the previous year. 
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli reports that attendance has been high at recent social mixers: 99 at Studio One Eleven and 101 at Impala Bar and Grill. 
  • Aspen Mills bakery has been contracted to serve refreshments for a breakfast social at the Mizell at 9 am on March 30. A calendar of evening social mixers is located on the club’s website. 
  • GED Magazine plans to sponsor an event at The Roost on Sunday, October 13 and is naming our club as the event’s beneficiary. 
  • Nominees Kevin Hyatt and Scott Donnelly were welcomed and expressed good feelings about working with the board as Members-at-large. The uncontested election will be held on the third Saturday of March. 

February - Highlights

  • President Mark De Angelis reported that volunteers during January helped our club to have successful involvements in Info A-Go-Go and the Health Run and Sports Expo. 
  • Our club’s presence on Instagram has been re-booted. 
  • Applications for the 2024 5K Pride Race beneficiaries were distributed widely at the Info A-Go-Go and to other nonprofits.
  • Five nominations for five positions on the board will be presented for election by acclamation on March 16. The nominees are Mark De Angelis for President, Bill Gould for Treasurer, DeLon Gobeli for Social Director and Kevin Hyatt and Scott Donnelly for the two Members-at-large positions. 
  • Ed Wilson has been appointed as Running Coordinator and member of the board. 
  • A sufficient number of volunteers have been registered to staff our club’s water station for the Palm Desert Half Marathon.
  • Treasurer Bill Gould is working on our club’s tax statements. 
  • Dropbox is being explored as way to provide viewing access for board members to the board’s financial reports and minutes. 
  • Running Wild continues to offer 10% off their shoe prices to members of our club.
  • A thank you note was received from the LGBT Center for being one of our club’s beneficiaries of the 2023 5K Pride Run. 
  • Our club has 432 members but only 281 of them have renewed for 2024. Forty-five persons have become new members since November 1. Reminders about renewals are being sent and Membership Director Bill Coughlin is following up with personal contacts.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli announced that there 88 members and guests at the recent mixer at QuadZ. 
  • There will be a 9 AM breakfast social for Saturday, March 30 on the Mizell Center patio.

January - Highlights

  • Board members committed to a participatory selection process regarding the beneficiaries of this year’s fund raising. An application form will be designed for interested parities who wish to apply for funds. 

  • Membership fees were set at $25 for 2024.
  • Membership is 416. Emails are being sent to remind members to renew their membership for 2024.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli announced an invitation from PrimeTimers for Palm Springs Front Runners & Walkers to attend a mixer event at Escena on February 5. 
  • Member-at-large Brian Eggert said he had sufficient volunteers to staff our club’s booths at both the Info A-Go-Go and the Health Run and Sports Expo.
  • Our club is also providing volunteers for a water station for the Palm Desert Half Marathon.
  • A nominating ballot is being prepared for the election of board members on the third Saturday of March.
  • Front Runners & Walkers who register for the Tour de Palm Springs with the appropriate code will receive a discount on their registration fee.


December - Highlights

  • A 2024 budget was approved for Palm Springs Front Runners & Walkers.
  • President Mark De Angelis announced that the Keith Culver memorial race (and social time) went well. It was a similar report for the Iron Man race that included about a dozen volunteers from our club.
  • Five board positions will be elected by the general membership in March.
  • Membership Director Bill Coughlin reported that current membership stands at 404. 
  • Members will be reminded by email to “Share the Road” with all persons that we encounter along our walking, running, and biking routes.
  • 2023 Pride 5K Pride Run Co-Director Brian Eggert noted that almost $10,000 of the expenditures for the Pride Run were related to sponsorship, newsletters and program ads involving nonprofit organizations such as Greater Palm Springs Pride, Cinema Diverse, DAP Health Equity Walk, Brothers of the Desert and Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus. 
  • Mizell Center sent a thank you note to our club expressing “deepest gratitude” for our club’s collection of toiletries for the homebound Meals on Wheels clients. 
  • Our club’s holiday dinner went well on December 3 with 135 persons in attendance. 

November - Highlights

  • Pride 5k Run & Walk Co-Directors Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigan expressed thanks for all who helped with this year’s event. Over 50 teams were involved comprising 253 participants. Total registration was 884 participants with 713 crossing the finish line.
  • Beneficiaries of the 5K Pride Run & Walk are The LGBTQ Community of the Desert, the Transgender Health and Wellness Center and the transgender program of the LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert. 
  • President Mark De Angelis announced that he will research a process for choosing the 2024 beneficiaries.
  • Membership Director Bill Coughlin reported that current membership stands at 393. 
  • Nominations are open for positions on the club’s Board of Directors. Mark De Angelis will coordinate the elections expected to take place in March.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli has finalized plans for the Holiday Dinner on December 3.
  • The December Board of Directors meeting will form a 2024 budget for the club. 

October - Highlights

  • Pride 5k Run & Walk Co-Directors Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigan described a variety of preparations that are underway for this November 4 event.
  • President Mark De Angelis reviewed a number of races and volunteer activities that mirror our club’s goals and are worthy of our volunteer support.
  • Treasurer Bill Gould announced that the club’s banking account has been completely moved to Pacific Premier Bank.
  • Membership Director Bill Coughlin reported that current membership stands at 382. Tom Crinigen said that there is someone new almost daily at the morning walking group.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli continues to schedule social events at local bars. He is also coordinating reservations for the club’s Holiday Dinner at Miracle Springs Resort & Spa of Desert Hot Springs on December 3.
  • Member-at-large Neill Fishman reported that he had most of the volunteers needed for the Tram Road Challenge. 

September - Highlights

  • Board members are looking for volunteers from the club to help coordinate support for other fitness events and activities in the valley. 
  • Neill Fishman will coordinate volunteers the Tram Road event. 
  • Brian Eggert will coordinate volunteers for the DAP Health and Wellness Festival. 
  • Tom Larsen will become the liaison between our club and the LGBT National Help Center.
  • 2023 Pride Run & Walk Co-Directors Tom Crinigen and Brian Eggert reported that progress is being made on the arrangements and registrations for the event. 
  • An October 7 breakfast will follow the morning’s walk and run. 
  • Club membership has reached 374. Members who join the club on November 1 or later will be granted membership for the remainder of 2023 and all of 2024.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli is planning club social events into the fall months.

June 7 - Highlights

  • Frontrunners is signed up to help with the La Quinta Iran Man event. Twenty volunteers will help hand out finisher medals.
  • Kathi Garcin represented Frontrunners at a recent meeting of the International Frontrunners to learn more about transgender participation in Frontrunners events.
  • Co-Directors Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigen are seeking corporate and member donations to support the 2023 Pride Race.
  • Membership of Frontrunners in June has reached 356.
  • Social mixers are scheduled through the summer. A recent mixer at QuadZ had 62 in attendance.
  • There will be a soft opening for 2023 Pride Race registration in early July. Members will be offered a discount.
  • Palm Springs Mayor Grace Garner has agreed to serve as the Pride Race’s starter.

May 10 - Highlights

  • Board members affirmed Frontrunners’ commitment to use a portion of the proceeds from the 2023 Pride Run to benefit organizations that support the transgender community.
  • Demographics of Frontrunners were reviewed. Comparisons with demographics of the larger community may be used develop membership goals for inclusivity. 
  • Current club membership is 348 persons.
  • Mixers continue to be well attended. Frontrunners attendance at The Roost was 104; at One Eleven Bar, there were 120.
  • Frontrunners’ Holiday Dinner has been scheduled for December 3 at Miracle Springs Pool and Spa in Desert Hot Springs.
  • Alternate routes have been established for our club’s runners and walkers that make better use of street crossings at signal lights. 

April 8 - Highlights

  • Board meeting date changes: June meeting changed to June 7. The September meeting will be on September 20. Other Board meetings remain on 2nd Wednesdays.

  • Donation of $2,000.00 received from Tour de Palm Springs for Frontrunners volunteer support of this event.

  • Membership Director continues to contact persons who have not yet renewed membership.

  • Social mixers continue to be well attended.

  • Alternate walking route established to increase safety by reducing congestion at Ramon crosswalk.

  • Registration fee of $40 established for 2023 Pride Run with $5 discount for members.

March 25 - Highlights

  • The annual election meeting of the general membership (119 runners, walkers and guests in attendance) elected following for two-year terms: Tom Crinigen as Vice President, Tom Larsen as Secretary, Bill Coughlin as Membership Director and Brian Eggert as Member-at-large.
  • President Mark encouraged everyone to consider service on the Board, urged everyone to have safety in mind as they walked or ran and invited everyone to attend the 9 am social for coffee/juice with muffins and fruit. 

March 8 - Highlights

  • President Mark reported on his recent attendance of a meeting of the U.S. Western Region Frontrunners.
  • Treasurer Bill completed conversion of our bank account to a new bank.
  • Pride Run 2023 Co-Directors Brian and Tom C. are assembling volunteers to host the November 4 event.
  • The Board designated the LGBT Center of the Desert and the Transgender Health and Wellness Center as beneficiaries of the 2023 Pride Run.
  • Social Director DeLon says that the social mixers are well attended. 
  • Member-at-large Neill is working on ways to promote safe practices during walks and runs.

February 8 - Highlights

  • President Mark De Angelis reported that an application is being made to the International Frontrunners for resources to help our club reach out to underserved and under-represented communities.
  • The raising of funds was authorized for the purchase of a tree or trees for the Prescott Preserve that borders much of our walking and running routes. 
  • Work continued on a slate of candidates for the four positions up for election in March. Board members serve a two-year term. Each March, half of the board positions are up for election. 
  • The Board learned that more than 200 members have renewed their membership while just over 100 members have not renewed, yet. Membership Director Bill Coughlin is welcoming new members and reaching out to those who have not renewed. 
  • 2023 Pride Run Co-Directors Brian Eggert and Tom Crinigen reported that Pride Run preparations are underway and that a date for the run has been set: November 4.
  • Social Director DeLon Gobeli reported good attendance at mixers.
  • Neill Fishman was thanked for an excellent job of coordinating volunteers to staff booths at the Info A Go Go event and the Health Run and Wellness Festival.

January 11 - Highlights

  • The Board thanked Social Director DeLon Gobeli for organizing the Holiday Dinner that was attended by 130 members and guests. 
  • DeLon also announced the first mixers of 2023. 
  • Thank you notes were read from the LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert and the Transgender Health and Wellness Center, recipients of $14,000 each from Frontrunners’ Pride Run profits. 
  • Brian Eggert was thanked for doing a magnificent job of organizing the 2022 Pride Run and was authorized by the Board to begin plans, along with co-director Tom Crinigen, for the 2023 Pride Run. 
  • Neill Fishman volunteered to organize volunteers for the Frontrunners’ booths at the Health Run and Wellness Festival and the Info A Go Go event. 
  • The Board accepted the invitation from PrimeTimers of the Desert to promote Frontrunners’ participation in the Laughlin Riverside Resort and Casino bus trip scheduled for April 10-13. Registrations for this event will be made through PrimeTimers. 

Palm Springs Front Runners & Walkers
PO Box 2184 Palm Springs CA 92263

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